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Club Bylaws

Pilchuck Soccer Alliance Bylaws

(Rev 9/11/2018)


The name of this Corporation shall be “Pilchuck Soccer Alliance”.  This organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; and for the promotion and direction of all youth soccer activities of its members within the Marysville, Arlington and Lakewood Washington School District boundaries and within the guidelines of the revenue code.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax as an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future federal tax code).


The boundaries of the Club shall coincide with the Marysville, Arlington and Lakewood School Districts.


Membership shall consist of players, parents, coaches, and board members.

a. A member in good standing shall abide by such rules and regulations set forth by the North County Youth Soccer Association and Pilchuck Soccer Alliance.


SECTION I – OFFICERS: The Officers of the Corporation shall be the President, First Vice President/Director of Development, Second Vice President/Director of Competition, Director of Facilities, Secretary, Director of Finance, Director of Registration, Club Coordinator, Micros Coordinator, Director of Select, Director of Public Relations, and a North County Youth Soccer Association Representative.
The duties of the Officers shall be:

a) PRESIDENT – shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation. He/she will preside at all meetings of the Corporation, and shall be chairman of the Executive Board and Board of Directors, and shall be a member of all committees. He/she shall have general executive control of the Corporation and shall direct such action as he/she may deem necessary for the functioning of the Corporation. He/She shall be responsible for Club-wide parties and get togethers (End of Fall party, Annual Summer BBQ/King of the Pitch/Gear Swap and responsible for a summer camp (Internally or Externally ran). He/she shall have the authority, in the interim between meetings of the Board of Directors, to refer to the proper committee, any matter needing its attention. He/she shall see that all the other officers perform their duties in a manner satisfactory to the membership.
b) FIRST VICE PRESIDENT/DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT - shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President. The First Vice President shall be responsible for the training of coaches and players (i. e. clinics/camps); assist in recruitment of coaches; and be a member of the code of conduct committee. He/She shall have oversight of all Directors of Coaching (Organizational Coordinators). He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.

c) SECOND VICE PRESIDENT/DIRECTOR OF COMPETITION – shall be responsible for scheduling teams into the proper division (i. e. attending North County scheduling meetings, picking up/distributing game schedules) and assisting the Tournament Coordinator with scheduling tournaments in Marysville, Arlington and Lakewood. He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.

d) DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES - shall be chairman of the field committee; maintain and upgrade fields, be responsible for the field budget.  He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
e) SECRETARY – shall attend and keep an accurate account of all General, Executive Board, and Board of Directors meetings.  He/she shall schedule the time and place for all such meetings and give all notices to members as required by the Corporation, by law, resolution or these by-laws. Ensure submission of meeting minutes to NCYSA.  He/she shall keep a file of all correspondences and perform any other such duties as deemed necessary by the President.
f) DIRECTOR OF FINANCES – shall have charge of the receipt and deposit of funds, subject to the direction of the President.  He/she shall deposit the monies of the Corporation in its name and shall be responsible for statements of the finances of the Corporation.  From time to time, he/she shall make such funds available for disbursement as approved by the Executive Board.  He/she shall be responsible for the maintenance of the financial records and books of account of the Corporation and shall give a report of all transactions to the Board of Directors.  He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
g) DIRECTOR OF REGISTRATION – shall coordinate all registration activities of the club and submit all rosters to the North County Youth Soccer Association in compliance with league rules.  He/she shall supervise each program’s registrar, (i.e. Micro’s, Rec, and Select and also manage the electronic registration system).  He/she is responsible for all player/coach assignment and any necessary changes to such assignments for Pilchuck Soccer Alliance. He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
h) CLUB COORDINATOR – shall oversee both the Boy’s and Girl’s program at the club level.  He/she shall schedule all practice times/places plus game  locations with the Marysville, Arlington and Lakewood School Districts, North County Youth Soccer Association or any other necessary agency.  He/she shall be responsible for recruiting any new coaches in conjunction with Director of Registration.   He/she is responsible for resolution of  any coaching/team problem that might occur during the season with assistance from the President as needed He/she shall be assisted by the Boy’s Coordinator and the Girl’s Coordinator plus any appropriate Executive Board member.  He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
i)  DIRECTOR OF MICROS - shall oversee the Micros (U5 - U7) program.  He/she shall be responsible for forming teams, recruiting coaches, scheduling practices/games and maintaining the electronic registration system for Micros. He/she is responsible for resolution of any coaching/team problem that might occur during the season with assistance from the President as needed. He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
j) NORTH COUNTY YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE – shall be responsible for attendance at all North County Youth Soccer Association meetings and report pertinent information to the Board of Directors.  He/she shall be guided by the Executive Board of Directors as to any actions taken by him/her for the best interest of the Corporation in any business of the North County Youth Soccer Association.  He/she shall serve on the Code of Conduct and NCYSA Judicial Committee. He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
k) DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS - He/she shall be responsible for coordination of any club sponsored fundraising event(s) to support Pilchuck Soccer Alliance and its goals.  He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.
l) DIRECTOR OF SELECT – Helps the Select Director of Coaching with the day to day operations and is the registrar and treasurer for the Force (select soccer) program. He/she oversees all select team managers and is responsible to ensure their duties are completed in a timely manner. He/she takes care of all admin duties (team placement, tournament registration, player cards, practice fields, game schedules, etc.). In the event the Director of Coaching is unable to perform his/her duties the Director of Select will take over as Director of Coaching until the EBOD appoints a new Director of Coaching. He/she shall perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the President.

SECTION II – ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE: Election of officers shall be at the annual meeting of members in November.  The term of each office shall be for two (2) years.  The President, Second Vice President/Director of Competition, Director of Finances, North County Representative, Director of Micros, and Director of Public Relations shall be elected in the odd-numbered years.  The First Vice President/Director of Development, Director of Facilities, Secretary, Director of Registration, Director of Select, and Club Coordinator shall be elected in the even-numbered years.
SECTION III – OFFICE VACANCY: If any office is not filled at the annual election or becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation, disqualification, removal from office or otherwise; the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy by appointment.
SECTION IV – REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: The Executive Board of Directors may, by twothirds vote of all its members, remove any officer from his/her capacity.


SECTION I: The Executive Board shall be no less than twelve (12) in number and include the President, First V-P/Director of Development, Second V-P/Director of Competition, Director of Facilities, Secretary, Director of Finance, Director of Registration, Director of Select, Club Coordinator, Director of Public Relations, Director of Micros, and the North County Youth Soccer Association Representative.  Each shall be a member in good standing.
SECTION II: The Executive Board shall have the power to appoint such other agents as it may deem necessary for the transaction of the business of the Corporation.  These agents shall be called Organizational Coordinators and Program Assistants.
The duties of the Organizational Coordinators shall be:

a. DIRECTOR OF COACHING (RECREATIONAL) – The Director of Coaching (Recreational) shall be responsible for offering Coach and Player training opportunities. Assist all coaches for all Recreational teams (not including Micros) to have a similar coaching perspective, coaching philosophy (from the Director of Development), similar nomenclature and practice plans. This will assist all PSA players to have the best possible experience as all their coaches from Micros to Rec to Select have adopted a similar coaching philosophy, nomenclature, expectations of players and that the coaches are all held to the same standard of quality and philosophy. In addition, the Director of Coaching (Recreational) shall assist the Director of Development in recruiting coaches for each season.   
b. DIRECTOR OF COACHING (Micros) - The Director of Coaching (Micros) shall be responsible for offering Coach and Player training opportunities. Assist all coaches for all Micros teams to have a similar coaching perspective, coaching philosophy (from the Director of Development), similar nomenclature and practice plans. This will assist all PSA players to have a better experience as all their coaches from Micros to Rec to Select have adopted a similar coaching style, nomenclature, expectations of players and that the coaches are all held to the same standard of quality and philosophy. In addition, the Director of Coaching (Micros) shall assist the Director of Development in recruiting coaches for each season.   
c. CONCESSIONS COORDINATOR - shall oversee the running of the concessions stand during spring and fall soccer, as well as the summer Strawberry Tournament. In addition, the concessions coordinator will be responsible for coordination of all food vendors at the Strawberry tournament. The duties entail the ordering and selling of product, maintaining and tracking income/expenses associated with concessions activity working with the Director of Finances, supervising employees or volunteers, and maintaining proper Snohomish County Health Department Guidelines pertaining to food and food safety. 
d. TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR: he/she shall oversee any tournaments sponsored by Pilchuck Soccer Alliance with the help of the Director of Competition.
e. ADVERTISING/PROMOTIONS COORDINATOR: he/she shall oversee any advertising or promotional work that needs to be done for Pilchuck Soccer Alliance.
f. VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: he/she shall help recruit and keep a list of all volunteers needed for the smooth running of any club program (i.e. registration, fields)

The duties of the Program Assistants shall be:

a. REGISTRATION ASSISTANTS: three (3) separate registrars shall be appointed by the Director of Registration to help with the registration process.  These assistants shall be called: Micros Registrar, Rec Registrar and Select Registrar.

b. FIELD ASSISTANTS: shall be appointed by the Director of Facilities and shall assist in any field activities as deemed necessary.

SECTION III: A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of seven (7) members.
SECTION IV: The Executive Board may call a special meeting at any time.  Special meetings may be called by the President, 1st Vice-President or by any four members of the Executive Board by giving demand therefore to the Secretary of the Corporation.  At least forty-eight (48) hours notice of special meetings shall be given by telephone, or electronic mail, by the Secretary of the Corporation.
SECTION V: The Executive Board shall have and exercise all of the power and authority granted by law to this Corporation, except such as are required by law or by these bylaws to be exercised by the members.
SECTION VI: The Executive Board shall meet regularly once each month on the 1st Wednesday following the NCYSA Board Meeting at such time and place the President may select.  Notice of regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be given to each member by telephone or mail by the Secretary of the Corporation.
SECTION VII: If any Executive Office is not filled at the annual election in November or becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation, disqualification, or removal from office or otherwise, the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy by appointment.
SECTION VIII: The Officers of the Corporation shall, ex officio, be members of the Executive Board of Directors.


SECTION I: The Board of Directors shall consist of one representative from each team and the Executive Board members.  Each shall be a member in good standing, and be responsible for their team’s participation in all fund raising activities of the Corporation.  Each member shall abide by the rulings of the Executive Board and of the Code of Conduct committee.
SECTION II: A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of the members present.
SECTION III: The Board of Directors may request  a special meeting at any time.  Such special meetings may then be called by the President, 1st Vice-President, or any ) seven (7) members of the executive Board of Directors by giving demand to the Secretary of the Corporation.  At least  seven (7) days  notice of special meetings shall be given by  electronic mail or postal service by the Secretary of the Corporation to the members.
SECTION IV: The Board of Directors shall have and exercise all of the power and authority granted by law to the Corporation, except such as are required by law or by these by-laws.


SECTION I: These hereby constitute the standing committees of the Corporation as provided for in Sections II, III, IV, V, VI and VII of the Article, each of which shall be composed of not less than three (3) members and such additional special committees and sub-committees as the Executive Board may create.  The members of all committees may be removed by the Executive Board.  The meetings of such committees shall be held on the call of its respective chairperson.
SECTION II: BUDGET/FINANCE COMMITTEE – shall consist of all Executive Board Members . a. The Budget/Finance Committee shall review and recommend to the Board of Directors for approval of all proposed activities or programs of the Corporation which may in any manner call for the expenditure of investment of funds of the Corporation. b. It shall annually, at the March Board of Directors meeting , submit a written budget for the then current year to the Board of Directors for its approval.
SECTION III: MEMBERSHIP COMMMITTEE – shall by chaired by the Club Coordinator plus the Director of Development.  This committee is charged with the responsibility of procuring coaches, , and volunteers for the Corporation.
SECTION IV: CODE OF CONDUCT COMMITTEE – shall be charged with the responsibility of investigating any irregularities in coaching or any other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.  The committee shall include the President, Director of Development,  and North County Representative plus any other member as deemed necessary and appointed by the President. No appointed member of the committee shall be a coach and ideally shall have no children in the Corporation’s program. a. Coach’s conduct shall be governed by the rules set down by Washington Youth Soccer, the North County Youth Soccer Association and Pilchuck Soccer Alliance. Each coach will sign a code of conduct contract at the beginning of the season pledging to abide by these rules.  Any violations of these rules may result in one or more of the following: 1. Suspension 2. Removal from the Corporation 3. Oral or written reprimand b. The Code of Conduct Committee shall take all testimony from those concerned with the irregularities for evaluation. The Code of Conduct Committee shall submit all recommendations to the Executive Board in writing for its action. Action  may also be taken by the North County Youth Soccer Association.

SECTION VI: FIELD COMMITTEE – shall be appointed by the President with the Director of Facilities as the chairperson and be charged with the responsibility of preparing the fields for competition to the standards as established by the rules of the North County Youth Soccer Association and Pilchuck Soccer Alliance.
SECTION VII: COULTER / MAIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE  Shall be the President, Director of Finances plus two other members appointed by the President.  It is charged with the responsibility of administrating the scholarship funds, dispersing the funds to up to four (4) qualified graduating Marysville, Arlington or Lakewood School District senior, ensuring an income for the continuation of the scholarship and reviewing the guidelines for the scholarship. a. The amount of each scholarship may vary from year to year but may not be less than $500.00 without the prior approval of the Executive Board.  The amount will be announced prior the application deadline. b. The funds may be from private, business and Marysville Youth Soccer Club donations. c. The funds will be maintained in an account separate from the regular account of Pilchuck Soccer Alliance. d. Guidelines for receipt of this scholarship: 1. Applicant’s successful completion of the scholarship application and requirements stated within. 2. Applicant must be or have been active in Pilchuck Soccer Alliance as a player, a coach, or a referee. 3. Financial need will be criteria, although not a primary criterion. 4. The scholarship will be deposited with the college of choice and may be claimed upon registration. 5. The Scholarship Committee will make a recommendation to the Executive Board of Directors who will make the final decision.
SECTION VIII: FORCE SELECT PROGRAM COMMITTEE Shall be charged with overseeing the Force Select Program and shall consist of the Executive Board Officers- President, Director of Development, Director of Competition, Director of Select and appointed positions- Director of Coaching and no less than 1 or more than 3 program assistants that are appointed by this committee and will be appointed in October. Their term will run for 1 year.  This committee is chaired by the Director of Coaching and is in charge of yearly plans and all issues within the program. This committee will meet as needed but no less than twice a year and report and follow the directions of the EBOD and the clubs by laws. 
The Director of Coaching will be appointed by the EBOD. The DOC term will be for 2 years and appointed at the Novembers EBOD board meeting on even years.


SECTION I: The fiscal year of the Corporation shall commence on the first day of March and shall end on the last day of February.
SECTION II: Financial obligations and contracts (or written proposals) of the Corporation, except such as are necessary to the routine budget activities, shall be incurred only by the authority of the Executive Board and shall be signed by the President (or 1st Vice President in his/her absence).
SECTION III: All notes and other evidences of indebtedness of the Corporation shall be signed by the President and counter signed by any other Executive Board member
SECTION IV: The Executive Board may create by resolution, such depositories for the monies of the Corporation as it shall elect.
SECTION V: Monies on deposit to the credit of the Corporation shall be withdrawn only by check, signed by the Director of Finances, and countersigned by any other designated Executive Board member and administered under such guidelines as the Budget-Finance Committee shall provide.


SECTION I: At least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting of the Corporation in November, the President with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint three (3) members as a Nominating Committee with the 1st Vice President as the chairperson.
SECTION II: The Nominating Committee shall submit to the annual meeting of the members at least one (1) nomination for each position to be elected.  Additional nominations for the positions may be made from the floor by any member at the annual meeting of the members.


SECTION I: The annual meeting of the Corporation shall be the second Thursday after the November NCYSA meeting  at such place as the President shall prescribe.  At least fifteen (15) days notice of the annual meeting shall be given by the President, First Vice-President, or the Secretary to all members.
SECTION II: The Board of Directors shall meet the Thursday following the meeting of the Executive Board of Directors each month unless the President has designated another day, March through November.  Notice of regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given to each member by electronic mail or postal service, at least twelve (12) hours prior to the meeting by the Secretary of the Corporation.
SECTION III: Special meetings of the Corporation may be called at any time by the President, First Vice-President or by any three (3) members of the Executive Board or any six (6) members of the Board of Directors.  At least five (5) days notice of all special meetings, setting forth the nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting, shall be given to all members of the Corporation. F SECTION IV: The President shall be responsible for the printed agenda for the Board of Directors and general membership meetings in the following format:

a. Roll call of officers and team representatives
b. Receiving of new members
c. Reading of minutes
d. Bill or accounts – Finance report
e. Committee reports
f. Unfinished business
g. New business
h. Comments
i. Adjournment


SECTION I: These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Executive Board by a majority vote of the members present in person or by a written general proxy, taken by ballot.  Notice of such meetings, together with a copy of such proposed amendments shall be sent by the President, First Vice-President, or Secretary to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the date thereof.
SECTION II: The Executive Board of Directors shall review these club bylaws annually no later than the month of October and revise as needed. Reviewed or revised bylaws will then be presented to the Board of Directors for approval at the annual meeting in November.


SECTION I: Upon the dissolution and winding up of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the Organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation or corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purposes specified in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which has established its tax exempt status under that section.

a. Secured indebtedness shall first be paid in accordance with the priority of the lien thereof.
b. Preferred indebtedness of the Corporation shall be paid next, in the order of preference.
c. Remaining indebtedness of the Corporation shall there-after be paid, or if the fund is not sufficient, the amount available shall be ratably applied.
d. Any balance remaining shall be paid to a non-profit fund, foundation of corporation operating in Marysville, Washington that has acquired 501 (c) (3) status and has been approved by the Board of Directors.


SECTION I: Every officer and member of a committee of the Corporation shall be indemnified against all liabilities, civil and criminal, incurred in relation to his/her duties; including all reasonable expenses of defense, except to the extent that he/she shall have been finally adjudged to liable gross negligence of willful misconduct in the matter of which liability arises.
Revised September 11th, 2018

Pilchuck Soccer Alliance

Pilchuck Soccer Alliance, P.O. Box 256
Marysville, Washington 98270
Email : [email protected]
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